ISIS to [erosion] in Southeast Asia or transfer shaft foot from ...

Do not listen too late! ] The ISIS (Islamic countries)? And now the ...

ISIS to [erosion] in Southeast Asia or transfer shaft foot from ... The past few months, to often see in the news and newspapers [ISIS (Islamic State)]. Also that the Japanese were caught in Syria, you'll be more and more spurred. Middle East seen is that something serious conflict is going on, But I think many is better that the one I do not know has been specifically if what is fact. In this article, the ISIS, and for the Muslim sect that is unavoidable to talk about this, was summarized briefly understandable. The ISIS? The ISIS, is the armed force of an abbreviation of [Iraq Syria Islamic countries], is Sunni (described in detail later), a majority also in Islam. In the region around the northern Iraq and Syria, it has been working for the purpose of establishment of the Islamic state, formed the ISIS to 00 years Mr. activist Al-Zarqawi of Jordan born as under the umbrella organization of Islamic extremist organization al-Qaeda (described in detail later) from to up to 2.0 years now, a number of suicide bombings, kidnapping, have caused the incident, such as assassination.
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